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October Monthly Meeting Information

PTA Webpage Minutes


  • It is time to nominate new officers for role of President, as current president as resigned her position with a move to another district, and for VP and secretary as their terms are up. Those interested in such positions or those who would like to nominate someone should submit all nominations to Ms. McGowan at or by calling the school directly by October 29th.  Once all nominations are received Ms. McGowan will contact those that have been nominated. The Nominees will then be listed in google classroom and fliers will be sent home. Voting will take place on November 5th and new officers will be announced on November 16th at the next PTA meeting. In order to vote or become an officer you must be a PAID member of the PTA. Membership is $5 for the year and can be completed by going to
  • PARP is going to be taken over and run this year by the 3rd grade teachers Ms. Sardina, Ms. Jones and Mr. Watson – more information to follow as it approaches.
  • Spirit wear store is back open!! Fliers to be sent home with students for ordering information. Store will be open until November 7th with ship/pick up date of 11/19.


  • Friday Oct 29th – Student Halloween parade at 2pm – weather pending
  • NO SCHOOL Thursday Nov 11th  - Veterans Day
  • NOON Dismissal for Parent Teacher Conferences on
    • Friday Nov 12th
    • Friday Nov 19th
    • Tues Nov 23rd
  • NO SCHOOL Nov 24th -26thThanksgiving