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Elementary Attendance

Attendance and Excuses: In New York state, there are excused and unexcused reasons for absence.
Excused: An absence, tardiness or early departure may be excused if due to personal illness, death in the family, impassable roads due to inclement weather, religious observance, quarantine, required court appearances, attendance at a health clinic, or other such reasons as may be approved by the Board of Education.
Unexcused: An absence, tardiness or early departure is considered unexcused if the reason for the lack of attendance does not fall into the above categories (e.g., family vacation, hunting, babysitting, haircut, attending non-school-related sporting events, oversleeping). In case of illness or injury at school, parents will be notified to pick up and assume care of the child.
Parents should call the Nurse’s Office the morning of the absence. A written excuse for an absence from school is required and should be brought to school the day the child returns to school. The excuse should include: child’s name, dates of absence, reasons for absence (if illness, type), and parental signature.
Attendance Letters: In accordance with our Attendance Policy and the No Child Left Behind Act, parents/guardians will be receiving an Attendance Letter every 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 days that your child is absent or tardy. Excessive absences will be handled through our Social Worker's Office.