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Close Reading

What is Close Reading?

A strategy the allow readers to dig deeper into a text by:

  1. Reading and re-reading the text to gather meaning and determine the author's purpose.
  2. Highlighting important vocabulary words and using context clues to figure out the meaning of them.
  3. Providing evidence and support for answers to comprehension questions by using the text itself.
According to information found on written by Grant Wiggins, Ed.D


University of Washington handout for students summarizes the aim of close reading as follows:

The goal of any close reading is the following:

  • an ability to understand the general content of a text even when you don’t understand every word or concept in it.

  • an ability to spot techniques that writers use to get their ideas and feelings across and to explain how they work.

  • an ability to judge whether techniques the writer has used succeed or fail and an ability to compare and contrast the successes and failures of different writers’ techniques.