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What We Learn
In Kindergarten!

One thing is for sure, kindergarten is not what it used to be! The days of naps and unstructured play are long gone! Listed below are the skills your child will learn based on standards.



  • Understand features of print: left to right, top to bottom
  • ID the parts of a book
  • Name and write upper and lower case letters and sounds
  • Rhyming words
  • Break words into syllables
  • Isolate beginning, middle, and ending sounds in words
  • Substitute/add sounds in words
  • Long and short vowel sounds
  • Read high frequency words
  • Read emergent level text for purpose and understanding
  • Answer questions about and retell stories
  • ID character, setting, and major events in a story
  • ID author and illustrators roles
  • Compare stories
  • Write a variety of stories ranging from research papers to personal narratives
  • Spell simple words phonetically
  • Write multiple sentences with proper spacing, capitalization, punctuation and meaningful content
  • Recognize appropriate uses for nouns and verbs and use singular and plural correctly
  • Use inflections and affixes correctly (-ed, -ing, un-, -pre-, etc.)
  • Count to 100 by ones and tens
  • Count on from a given number
  • Write numbers 0-20
  • Represent a number of objects with a written number & count to answer how many
  • Count with one number and one object at a time
  • Understand counting means one more
  • ID if a group of objects is greater than, less than, or equal to another group
  • Compare two written numbers
  • Addition and subtraction word problems within 10
  • Take apart numbers to 10 in more than one way
  • Find the number to make 10 when given a number
  • Add and subtract fluently within 5
  • Put together and take apart numbers up to 19 (18=8+10)
  • Understand the concept of tens and ones
  • Describe/compare/contrast measurable features of objects
  • Put objects into categories and sort those categories by count
  • Name shapes no matter the orientation
  • Use terms of position: below, beside, etc.
  • ID 2 and 3 dimensional shapes
  • Use language to describe shapes similarities and differences (corners, vertices, sides, etc)
  • Create and model shapes in environment and in other shapes

This is the meat of what we will be working on this year. However, a full listing of the Common Core Kindergarten Standards is easily available through a Google Search!

How Do We Reach Rigorous Common Core Standards in Kindergarten?

We create beautiful, organized, language-intensive environments that are emotionally safe and noncompetitive.  We have high expectations. We weave the educational arts into all areas of curriculum. Our children develop friendships. They learn to make choices and are involved in meaningful projects. As educators we are reflective, continuously learning how to provide the scaffolding needed for every child to build on success, every day. We teach systematically, intentionally and intuitively. We take advantage of how the brain learns best – and we save time for serendipity.