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Grade 4

National Blue Ribbon

Deerfield Elementary

A National Blue Ribbon School

 Building a Strong Foundation for Lifelong Learning


Fourth Grade Overview

Fourth grade students are busy throughout the year improving their reading, writing, and math skills as they prepare for the *NYS Assessments in the spring. (*In Spring 2023, all 4th grade students at Deerfield Elementary will take computer-based state assessments. The Spring 2024 NYS assessments will be computer-based for all elementary students, grades 3-5, district-wide.)
Our goal is to help each student become successful in meeting the state standards in Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. NYS has recently implemented the Next Generation Learning Standards (commonly referred to as "Next Gen"), a revised version of the previously taught standards. More information on these standards can be found here: NYS Next Generation Learning Standards.

In Math, the emphasis is on problem solving skills and completing multi-step word problems. Topics covered include the following: place value (including rounding and estimation), multi-digit addition and subtraction, multiplication (including 2-digit x 2-digit), division (up to 4 digit dividends), fractions and mixed numbers, measurement (metric and customary systems of measurement, line plots, area & perimeter, etc.), and geometry.
English Language Arts focuses on reading a variety of genres with an emphasis on vocabulary, reading comprehension skills & strategies, and writing techniques. Reading comprehension skills covered include: main (central) idea, theme, literary elements (character, plot, conflict/resolution), compare/contrast, cause and effect, character traits, graphic sources, figurative language, summarizing, etc. The types of writing include opinion/point of view, informational, and narrative.

The Science curriculum centers around the study of Physical Science (energy and phases of matter), Earth Science (landforms, rocks and minerals, etc.), and Life Science (plants/animals, food chains, etc.).

Our Social Studies curriculum focuses on map skills (ex. latitude and longitude), geography (of New York State, in particular), Native Americans (specifically the Iroquois/Haundenosaunee that first inhabited this area of NYS), exploration, Colonial Times and the 13 original colonies, the Revolutionary War, and the branches government in the United States.