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Classroom Procedures

Miss Pendrak

Miss Pendrak’s Classroom Procedures

I am so excited to spend a wonderful year with all of your children! This page contains the routines and procedures that we will follow this year so that we can ALL experience success.

Our Classroom Atmosphere and Expectations

Our classroom is a warm, learning, and safe, family-oriented classroom. Learning is exciting and I expect to see great success from all of your children! Each day there will be teacher time and student time. Teacher time is when I am giving direct instruction or reading a story. During teacher time, students must remain seated, listen quietly, raise their hand if there is something important that they would like to add to our discussion, and LEARN! During student time, they must first finish their class work and can then choose any of the activities listed on the “I'm Done! Now What? board.

Classroom Management

Behavioral Chart for Discipline

Our classroom will use a clip chart to monitor behavior.  A clip chart is a great tool that allows students to be rewarded for positive behavior, while discouraging negative behavior. Each student has a clothespin, or clip, with his or her name on it.  Everyone will start on green at the beginning of each day.  Clips can be moved up or down throughout the day based on behavior.  Daily behavior will be documented in your child’s B.E.E. binder. Please make sure to initial and/or comment on each day's behavior

Super Student - Outstanding behavior

Great Job - Displaying good behavior

Good Choices - Making the right behavior decisions

Ready to Learn - Everyone starts each day here 

Think About It - Warning about his/her behavior and a reminder to follow the rules

Teacher’s Choice - Displaying poor behavior {loss of recess or center time}

Parent Contact - Teacher will notify parents by email, note, or phone call


Homework is given to help students learn and practice important concepts. If it is given, it is important. If your child's B.E.E. Binder has papers in that are not finished or completed, then these are considered as homework. Homework is due the following day, unless noted otherwise. If you have any questions about your child’s homework, please feel free to contact me.


Our classroom is a peanut and nut-free zone and we will have a daily morning snack. Due to the seriousness of this issue, please avoid sending in any snack items to school that list peanut or nut products. All students are asked to bring a nutritious peanut free snack, water, or juice to school every day.

Arrival/Dismissal Time

Students arrive in our room by 9:20 and dismissal begins at 3:20. If you plan on having them use another means for dismissal rather than normal (ex-ride on another bus or be picked up), please fill out the necessary forms as we need written consent.

Bus Notes and Early Pick Up

Please send in 2 notes for your child if they taking a different bus or being picked up early for an appointment. One note must go to the office and the other note is placed on your child’s desk.


We will celebrate your child's birthday on the day of their birthday unless there is a conflict for a weekend, summer or holiday birthday. Accommodations will be made. Summer birthdays will be celebrated in June. Please let me know a few days before if you plan on sending in treats for your child’s birthday. A reminder that our classroom is a peanut and nut-free zone. Please avoid sending in any treats that list peanut or nut products. Treats need to be labeled with both your child’s name and my name and may be left on the table near the office in the main foyer.

B.E.E. Binder    

Please check and return your child’s binder each day. 


Parent Communication

If you have any concerns or are wondering why something is happening, please feel free to call or email me at any time (school: 266-3410 ext. 4105 or email: I welcome all concerns, ideas, and feedback that affect your child or our classroom. If something is not working, I am more than willing to talk.

This is going to be an exciting year and I am thrilled to see each and every one of them grow!